March Newsletter: Is Your Prescription Up to Date? What You Need to Know about When and Why You should See Your Optometrist

Is Your Prescription Up-to-Date? What You Need to Know About When and Why You Should See Your Optometrist Walking out of the optometrist’s office with a new pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses is literally an eye-opening experience. The world around you no longer looks fuzzy, and the words on your digital screens suddenly become […]
Vision Therapy: Not Just For Children
Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program that helps people of all ages improve their visual-motor skills. Therapy helps your eyes and brain work together better, even if you have perfect vision. For years, people believed that some types of eye conditions, such as lazy eye or crossed eyes, could not be corrected after childhood, but, […]
March Newsletter: Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Vitamin D? Vitamin D is essential for healthy vision, yet many of us don’t get enough of this important vitamin. Luckily, increasing your intake of vitamin D is fairly simple. Why Is Vitamin D So Important? Most Americans don’t get enough vitamin D in their diets. In fact, 28.9% of […]
Tips to Alleviate Dry Eyes
Studies show that dry eyes are one of the most common eye problems throughout the United States. Dry eyes are caused by a lack of quality tear production, and are most common in both men and women over the age of 50. Tear production can be limited by a variety of causes; one of the […]
April Newsletter: Tired of Contacts? Consider Orthokeratology. Young woman puts in contact lenses

Tired of Contacts? Consider Orthokeratology Contact lenses make it possible to see clearly without eyeglasses, but they’re not the best choice for everyone. If wearing contacts makes your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable, or you’re looking for a simpler solution, orthokeratology may offer a good option. Orthokeratology involves wearing special contact lenses at night that […]
April Newsletter: Corneal Abrasion Could Lead to Infection. See Your Eye Doctor!

Scratched Your Cornea? See Your Eye Doctor Right Away! A tiny scratch on your cornea could cause a serious eye infection without prompt treatment from your eye doctor. Known as “corneal abrasions,” these scratches affect the clear, rounded tissue that covers your iris and pupil. Corneal Abrasion Causes and Symptoms A corneal abrasion usually happens […]
Stop Rubbing Your Eyes
It feels like a natural thing to rub your eyes when they are itchy, watery, or otherwise irritated. Keeping your hands away from your eyes, however, is a smart choice for promoting better eye health. Rubbing your eyes can lead to everything from eye injuries to damaged vision. Rubbing your eyes offers only short-term relief […]
May Newsletter: What Flashes May Mean about Your Eye Health

What Flashes May Mean About Your Eye Health Are you wondering why you see little flashes of light? The light show could actually be coming from inside your eyes. Flashes can be a sign of a serious vision problem, but are usually a harmless sign of aging. What Are Flashes? Flashes only appear for seconds […]
Nutrition and Your Eyes
As you’ve probably heard, carrots are good for your eyes. Technically, they can’t give you superhero-quality eyesight like you may have been told when you were young, but they do contain ingredients that are instrumental in protecting your vision and overall health. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene (which the body converts into vitamin A) and […]
May Newsletter: All about Floaters

All About Floaters Are you worried about those wispy cobwebs and strings that drift through your vision? These drifting shapes are called floaters, and are usually related to normal age-related changes deep inside your eye. How Floaters Form Floaters form due to changes in the vitreous humor, the clear, gel-like substance that helps the eye […]