June Newsletter: Can Colored Contacts Help with Vision?

Can Colored Contacts Help with Your Vision? Have you been thinking about changing your appearance with colored contact lenses? Although colored or tinted contacts are often used for their cosmetic benefits, the lenses can also offer vision benefits. Using Colored Contact Lenses Improve Vision, Comfort, or Appearance Adding a color or tint to contact lenses […]
How Did I Get a Stye?
A stye, medically known as a hordeolum, appears in the eyelid area as a red pimple-like bump, and is usually tender or painful. Styes typically occur near the lash line (external hordeolum), but can also appear on the underside of the eyelid (internal hordeolum). In addition to the telltale lump, a stye can cause swelling, […]
June Newsletter: The Importance of Eye Exams for Kids

The Importance of Eye Exams for Kids Regular eye exams are a must for kids. Since vision problems often appear for the first time during childhood, scheduling annual eye exams offers a simple way to protect your child’s eyesight. Good Vision Is Essential for Learning Your child relies on his or her visual memory to […]
How Can You Prevent an Eye Infection?
Do your eyes feel swollen, itchy or watery? If so, you might want to book an appointment with your eye doctor to have your eyes examined. Although many people automatically attribute their discomfort to allergies, it’s important to leave the diagnosis to a trained professional that is knowledgeable about eye health. Often, the true cause […]
July Newsletter: Soft vs. Hard Contacts: Pros and Cons

Soft vs. Hard Contact Lenses: Which Is Right for You? Contact lenses aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. The type of lens that works well for your friend may not be the ideal option for you. Taking a look at the pros and cons of each type of contact lens available can help you decide whether soft […]
July Newsletter: Can Eye Exams Detect Diabetes?

Can Eye Exams Detect Diabetes? Diabetes cases are on the rise in the US. More than 28 million people have been diagnosed with the disease, while another 8.5 million are undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Undiagnosed diabetes puts your health at risk, even if you haven’t experienced any symptoms […]
What the Eyes Tell Us About Overall Health
Eyes are your window to the world. Everything you experience is enhanced by what you see. By the same token, eyes can be a window into your body. When it comes to your overall health, your eyes act like an open book shedding light on your condition. A thorough eye exam with your ophthalmologist or […]
August Newsletter: The Benefits of Scleral Contact Lenses

The Benefits of Scleral Contact Lenses Have you stopped wearing contact lenses because of dry eye, keratoconus, or another eye condition? Scleral contact lenses could make it possible to use contacts once again. The Difference Between Scleral Contact Lenses and Other Contact Lenses Soft contact lenses and traditional rigid gas permeable contact lenses are designed […]
Vision Charities to Help You Give Back This Holiday Season
Imagine trying to succeed at work at school if you could not see clearly. Unfortunately, that’s the reality for far too many people in the world. Whether they cannot afford eye care, are blind or have a vision disability, poor eyesight makes life much more difficult. You can make a difference this holiday season by […]
August Newsletter: What Is Swimmer’s Eye and How Can It Be Prevented?

Red, Irritated Eyes May Mean You Have Swimmer’s Eye Wondering why your eyes are sore and red after a day at the pool? A common condition called swimmer’s eye may be to blame. What Causes Swimmer’s Eye? Swimmers are often so eager to jump in the pool that they ignore signs asking them to shower […]