Getting Your Child Accustomed to New Glasses

Helping Your Child Adjust to New Glasses Whether your child just started wearing glasses for the first time or recently got new glasses, getting used to a pair of glasses can take a little time. These four tips may help ease the adjustment process. Consider Your Child’s Opinion When Selecting Frames Chances are you wouldn’t […]
The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Periorbital Cellulitis

Could Pain Around Your Eye Be Caused by Periorbital Cellulitis? Periorbital cellulitis could be to blame if you’re experiencing pain and swelling around your eye. Prompt treatment will prevent the infection from spreading to your eye. What Is Periorbital Cellulitis? Periorbital cellulitis occurs when your eyelid or the skin around your eye becomes infected. Although […]
Facts About Astigmatism

Could Astigmatism Be to Blame for Your Blurry Vision? Everything looks a little blurry when you have astigmatism. The refractive error blurs both far and near vision, making it difficult to read a book or see a road sign in the distance. Fortunately, squinting isn’t the only option if you have astigmatism. Your optometrist can […]
The Effects of Smoking on Your Eye Health

How Smoking Affects Your Eyes Smoking increases the likelihood of developing many types of health issues, including conditions and diseases that may affect your vision. If you are a smoker or live with someone who smokes, your eye health may be at risk. 7 Diseases and Conditions Related to Smoking Smoking can cause several eye-related […]
How is Eye Pressure Measured?

Testing Your Eye Pressure High pressure inside your eyes increases your risk of glaucoma, a disease that can cause vision loss. Although you can’t tell when your eye pressure is rising, a simple test conducted at your optometrist’s office helps your eye doctor detect and treat pressure changes. Why It’s Important to Keep Your Pressure […]
How Sleep Can Affect Your Vision

Lack of Sleep May Affect Your Eye Health Have you been having trouble sleeping? Fatigue, concentration problems, and irritability aren’t the only consequences of insomnia. Your eye health may also suffer if you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. These Things Can Happen to Your Eyes if You Don’t Get Enough Sleep Most of us […]
Poor Air Quality and Your Eyes

What You Can Do to Protect Your Eyes From Bad Air Quality Exposure to pollution and other airborne irritants increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including heart disease, asthma, stroke, respiratory illnesses, and lung cancer. Unfortunately, your eyes may also suffer when the air quality is bad. Taking a few of these […]
What to Do When You Get Something in Your Eye

How to Deal With Foreign Objects in Your Eye Whether it’s a speck of dust or a bug, getting something in your eye is a very uncomfortable sensation. Like most people, rubbing your eyes may be your initial reaction to the problem. Unfortunately, that may only make the situation worse and may damage your sensitive […]
How to Keep Your Eyes Safe From Germs

Protecting Your Eyes from Germs Germs look for the easiest way into your body, often entering through your eyes and other mucus membranes. Fortunately, taking a few simple steps to protect your eyes may reduce your chance of developing an illness or infection. Don’t Touch Your Face Like most people, you probably touch your face […]
How Diet Affects Vision

The Importance of Nutrition in Maintaining Your Eye Health Food is more than just fuel for your body. The foods you eat could help you improve your health and reduce your risk of a variety of health conditions, including disorders and diseases that affect your vision. A Healthy Diet Protects Your Eyesight Food provides nutrients […]